Zambia Police Recruitment 2025/2026 | ZP Application Form Portal

Zambia Police Recruitment: The Zambia Police has open portal for registration this year, calling interested applicants who wish to join in maintaining law and order in the country, to fill the recruitment form and join the vacant positions.

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Overview of the Zambia Police Recruitment Process

The Zambia Police offers a promising career path for individuals interested in serving their community and maintaining law and order. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the recruitment process, eligible province to apply, application requirements, How to apply, what to do when shortlisted, and the benefits associated with joining the Zambia Police force.

Introduction of the Job

Joining the Zambia Police force is not just a job; it’s a commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the community. As a police officer, individuals play a crucial role in upholding the rule of law, preventing and investigating crimes, and maintaining public order. The job comes with challenges but offers a sense of pride and accomplishment in contributing to the well-being of society.

Recruitment Process

The Zambia Police Recruitment process is designed to select the best candidates who possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and dedication. It involves several stages, including written exams, physical fitness tests, interviews, and background checks. Prospective candidates must navigate through these stages to prove their suitability for the role.

Eligible Provinces

While the Zambia Police force welcomes applications from across the country, there may be specific provinces designated for recruitment during certain periods. It’s essential for potential applicants to check the latest announcements to determine which provinces are eligible for recruitment at a given time. below are the full list of provinces to apply for Zambia Police in Zambia.

  • Central Province
  • Western Province
  • Muchinga Province
  • Southern Province
  • North – Western Province
  • Northern Province
  • Lusaka Province
  • Luapula Province
  • Eastern Province
  • Copperbelt Province

Requirements for Zambia Police Recruitment

To qualify for the Zambia Police Job, candidates must meet certain criteria. This may include educational qualifications, physical fitness standards, and age restrictions. please check the basic requirement.

  • Applicant must be a citizen of Zambia
  • Applicant must have a means of identification form Zambian Government
  • Applicant must not be below 18 years
  • Applicant must not be an ex-convict for any reason
  • Applicant must have valid credentials, no forgery
  • Applicant must pass Examinations Council of Zambia with grade 12

Aspiring candidates should carefully review and ensure they fulfill all the specified requirements before submitting their applications.

How to Apply for Zambia Police Recruitment

The application process for Zambia Police Recruitment typically involves online submissions. Applicants need to fill out the application form, attach required documents, and follow the outlined procedures. It’s crucial to pay attention to deadlines and provide accurate information to avoid disqualification. To apply for the ZP Recruitment still known as Zambia Police visit their official portal and submit your application.

Benefits of Working with Zambia Police

Joining the Zambia Police force comes with numerous benefits, both tangible and intangible. From competitive salaries and health benefits to the satisfaction of making a positive impact on society, this section will explore the advantages of a career in law enforcement.

Tips for a Successful Aptitude Test and Interview

Preparing for the aptitude test and interview is crucial for success in the Zambia Police Recruitment process. This section will provide valuable tips on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to present oneself effectively during these critical stages.


In conclusion, the Zambia Police  process offers a gateway to a fulfilling and impactful career in law enforcement. It’s an opportunity to serve the community, uphold justice, and contribute to the overall well-being of society. Aspiring candidates should stay informed, meet the requirements, and approach the process with dedication and enthusiasm.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What is the work of the Zambia Police force?

The Zambia Police force is responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing and investigating crimes, and ensuring the safety and security of the community.

  • When was the Zambia Police Created?

The Zambia Police was established in 1964 to maintain law and order in the land of Zambia.

  • Is the Zambia Police Recruitment form out?

Yes, the recruitment is ongoing. To get started with the registration, visit the official website via and fill the recruitment form.

  • What is the Zambia Police Recruitment Closing date?

Closing date or deadline for the Zambia Police recruitment has not been announced. Interested applicants should do well to fill the form, to avoid late registration.

  • Where can I buy the Zambia Police Recruitment form?

The application form for Zambia police is typically online. Candidates should visit the official website at for information on form submissions and application procedures.

  • What is the website of the Zambia Police force?

The official website of the Zambia Police force is, can be accessed for the latest updates, announcements, and recruitment information.

For any question on the following related question below, please use the comment box for update.

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  • Zambia police recruitment 2024
  • Police recruitment 2024 names
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92 thoughts on “Zambia Police Recruitment 2025/2026 | ZP Application Form Portal”

      1. I am a Zambian citizen aged 18 years old , with a full Grade 12 certificate and would love to work for the Zambia police officer.

  1. Malama Leonard


    I am male Zambian citizen with a green registration card and aged 21.i completed grade twelve (12) last year 2023 and I obtained certificate. I am interested in your recruitment of Zambia police service.
    Your consideration will be really grateful
    Your faithfully
    Malama Leonard

    1. I am male Zambian citizen with a green registration card and aged 24 .i completed grade twelve (12) last 5 year 2023 and I obtained certificate. I am interested in your recruitment of Zambia police service.
      Your consideration will be really grateful
      Your faithfully
      Edward kalombe

  2. Joseph Chisumba

    I’m interested in this please when time comes don’t leave me.update me am ready for everything.

  3. My name is MORRIS NAMUYOBO from Lusaka zingalume area, Zambia I’m a grade 12 graduate I have passion for the call of duty of our mother land Zambia it’s in my greatest desire to join the Zambia police service.
    Thank you

  4. Chabota madubansi

    I also want to be part of the service but the problem is how to go about it…
    I have a grade twelve certificate
    Am physically fit for the job..
    Ready to save the country whole heartedly..

  5. Am very much interested to join Zambia police am a Zambian cizten with a NRC and I completed my garde 12 in 2020

  6. Phildah Muyanga


    Refers to the subject above started matter
    Am hereby applying for a job as a wild life police officer.

    My name are phildah muyanga, am a female Zambian school leaver aged 22 with a green national registration card, am applying for this job because I’m very interested in saving and looking after wild animals and other creature that was made by the creator. Am hoping and wishing to among this team.
    Your consideration and quick response will be highly appreciated. All my documents are attached to this email. If anything contact me on 0973154456/0960666768.

    Yours sincerely
    Phildah muyanga.

  7. I really need this job the only challenge I have is my grade 12 certificate actually things were not right with the family that raised me…I got no sponsor so,they stopped me in grade 9.I sincerely asking if the admin may help me get this job otherwise I really love this job I’m energetic, creative and responsible to serve my country Zambia

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